Diverse Learning Environments

Early Two's
Early two's is the stage when toddlers start to explore and develop. In our two-year-old class our goal is for your child to be able to:
Communicate through sign language
Build vocabulary
Develop fine motor skills
Engage in sensory activities
Refine gross motor skills
Develop independence
Engage in cooperative play
Gain an understanding of basic mathematics concepts, numbers, colors, opposites, and shapes
Express Emotions/ Feeling
Recognize alphabet
Follow directions
And more!

Late 2's
The late two's is also the stage where toddlers start to explore and develop. In our late two-year-old class we more at a slightly faster pace. Our goal is for your child to be able to:
Communicate through sign language
Build vocabulary
Develop fine motor skills
Engage in sensory activities
Refine gross motor skills
Develop independence
Engage in cooperative play
Gain an understanding of basic mathematics concepts, numbers, colors, opposites, and shapes
Express Emotions/ Feeling
Recognize alphabet
Follow directions
And more!


Age three is the age of wonder and observation. In our three-year-old class we focus on:
Beginning writing
Promoting social skills
Written name recognition
Spelling name
Expanding Vocabulary
Taking Turns
2-3 Sentence Conversations
Exercising gross motor skills and fine motor skills
Understanding the difference between gender
Following instructions
Expressing emotions
Using the potty
Entering school without emotional outburst
Confidence development]
basic mathematics concepts, numbers, colors, opposites and shapes
Recognize alphabet
And More!
Four's and Five's
Age 4 is the age where we prep students for school! We follow Virginia's Standards of Learning, as well as incorporate our Curriculum for these students​ Our focus in this class includes​
Telling stories
Remembering parts of a story
Taking Turns
2-3 Sentence Conversations
Word recognition
Putting together small sentences
Making Patterns
Identify Rhymes
Recognize and write letters
Hold pencil correctly
Recognizing over 10 colors
Complete puzzles
And More!

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